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Guide to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth in the Juvenile Justice System, Annie E. Casey Foundation

The Annie E. Casey Foundation created a practice guide for ensuring the safety and well-being of LGBT youth involved in the juvenile justice system. The guide "covers a wide range of policies and practices – from broad organizational measures such as staff training and nondiscrimination policies, to specific practices such as talking with youth about sexual orientation and gender identity and making individualized classification and housing decisions."  The guide explores the effect of stigma and rejection on LGBT youth, explaining that LGBT youth who report high levels of victimization at school do not perform as well as heterosexual youth and recognizing that schools administer disproportionately severe punishment on LGBT youth.

Although the guide includes a practice against isolating LGBT youth for their own safety, the guide recommends that, when isolated, youth should have access to their regular educational classes and special education services. The guide also counsels that educational decisions should be made on a case by case basis; a student's actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity should not be determinative of a student's placement.