Juvenile Re-Entry Action Plan (JRAP)
JRAP is a program funded by the Arkansas Department of Education that is operated by a juvenile detention facility in Hot Springs, Arkansas. The purpose of this program is to work with students in detention facilities who are deemed at risk of becoming repeat offenders. The program provides intensive case supervision with a gradual step down process and seeks to address the causes of behavioral problems, including drug or alcohol abuse and peer pressure. Youth will be involved in the program for approximately six months, beginning with an assessment phase at the onset of the program, followed by an institutional phase consisting of services while the youth is in the detention facility, and culminating in three community services phases after the youth returns to the community.
A number of team members are involved throughout the JRAP process. First, a caseworker coordinates between the youth and other team and community members and maintains contact with the probation officer, community school, and other involved parties. Next, a team coordinator works as an intermediary between JRAP and the community and is responsible for facilitating the intensive services provided to the youth. An educational coordinator is responsible for providing an appropriate educational setting for the youth while in the detention facility. The educational coordinator’s goal is to keep the youth on track with his or her community school or, if not feasible to do so, to strengthen the youth’s academic skills in core areas. Youth also have a tutor/mentor coordinator who develops both a tutoring program to address the youth’s educational needs and a mentoring program to provide positive role models for participants.