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Title I, Part D of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

Title I, Part D of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act, most recently reauthorized as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), offers federal funding to improve the quality of education in facilities for neglected and delinquent youth, promote smooth transitions into and out of institutions, prevent dropout, and provide young people returning from correctional facilities or institutions for neglected and delinquent children and youth with reentry support to ensure their continued education and involvement of their families and communities.

Title I, Part D provides federal funds to State Educational Agencies (SEAs) in two parts. Under Subpart 1, SEAs can subgrant to other state agencies serving neglected or delinquent children or youth. Under Subpart 2, SEAs award funds to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) with high numbers of children and youth in locally-operated juvenile correctional facilities. States that accept funding through Title I, Part D have to submit a plan for meeting the educational needs of youth while in facilities and upon reentry, including goals and performance measures.

ESSA amended Title I, Part D, adding requirements related to educational assessments when students enter facilities, transfer of education records and academic credits for students moving between community schools and institution schools, reentry planning, timely re-enrollment in an appropriate school when a student leaves an institution, access to educational opportunities upon reentry, and access to a high school diploma.
