Juvenile Services Educational Program
In Maryland, the Department of Education is responsible for developing and implementing juvenile services educational programs at all residential facilities operated by the Department of Juvenile Services. MD Code, Educ., § 22-303. However, a 2015 investigation by the Baltimore Sun identified the assumption of responsibility for the provision of educational services within juvenile facilities as moot without additional funding or supports for teachers within the facilities. See, Criticism Leveled at Schools for Maryland Juvenile Offenders, Baltimore Sun, Dec. 28, 2015, available at http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/bs-md-juvenile-education-20151226-story.html. In 2016, the governor proposed that the Juvenile Services Education Program receive a $2 million increase in 2017, to $19.7 million. The money would pay for the operation of schools in 14 facilities run by the Department of Juvenile Services. See, Governor Larry Hogan Announces Fiscal Year 2017 Budget, Jan. 20, 2016, available at http://governor.maryland.gov/2016/01/20/governor-larry-hogan-announces-fiscal-year-2017-budget/. The added funding is designed to ensure that every student receives as much individualized instruction as possible. It will keep staffing ratios at the schools below 5 to 1, and ensure that each school has at least four teachers. In addition, legislation was proposed in 2016, SB325, that seeks to make the salaries for teachers in the juvenile services schools more competitive with those of public school educators. Maryland has found that recruiting teachers to the schools has been a challenge, as they work more days and under more challenging conditions than other public school teachers.