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Promising Resources, Policies, and Practices

Goal 1: Youth Voice

Goal 8: Post-Secondary Access

The Juvenile School-Based and Special Programs, LA County Probation Department

The LA County Probation Department has developed an array of school-based and special programs targeting youth and families within its five Supervisorial Districts. The programs and services are funded through the Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act (JJCPA). Specifically, the school-based program assigns Deputy Probation Officers to schools and other sites to work closely with parents and guardians to enforce regular school attendance, behavior and school performance, as well as compliance with all other terms of probation.

Youth Treatment & Education Center, Principals’ Center Collaborative

The Principals' Center Collaborative (PCC) is a county high school serving youth on probation and a collaborative effort between the San Francisco Unified School District, Department of Public Health, Juvenile Probation, Superior Court, and YTEC. PCC has adopted the Big Picture Learning educational model, which puts students at the center of their own learning. It is the high school of choice for students on probation with demonstrated academic, behavioral and mental health issues.

Youth Empowerment Services, East Bay Agency for Children

The East Bay Agency for Children in Oakland, CA, developed the Youth Empowerment Services Program in an effort to support youth transitioning out of juvenile detention facilities, as well as work with at-risk youth to prevent juvenile justice involvement. The program’s goals are to promote consistent school attendance and youth goal development and to provide positive role models for participating youth.

Court Rules Allowing for Appointment of Educational Rights Holder

California Rule of Court 5.650 allows the court to appoint an educational rights holder in dependency and delinquency cases when it has limited the parents’ right to make educational decisions. The Rule spells out the responsibilities of the person appointed to be the education rights holder, including participating in school discipline hearings and advocating for the child with respect to educational assessments, placement in the least restrictive environment, and provision of a free, appropriate public education.

Educational Aftercare Toolkit for Juvenile Justice Professionals

This toolkit, modeled after a toolkit created by the Education Law Center in Philadelphia, PA, provides resources and information for individuals working in the juvenile justice system in Los Angeles, CA, who are involved in working to support youth transitioning out of detention placements seeking to re-enroll in school.  The purpose of the toolkit is to provide information about issues related to the education of delinquent youth, both during placement and upon release.  The toolkit provides resources to help answer education-related questions and links professionals to individu

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