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Leveraging the Every Student Succeeds Act to Improve Educational Services in Juvenile Justice Facilities | Finding the Best Practices for Improvement in Massachusetts

This brief of the Every Student Succeeds Act highlights Massachusetts for a project created to measure the best practices and outcomes for youth in the juvenile justice system, Youth Outcomes Project (YOP). Rather than keeping facilities and programs accountable, this project seeks only to discover what works the best for youth. By differentiating between phases of a student’s involvement in the juvenile justice system, YOP is able to document contributions and outcomes of educational and workforce developmental services. 

More Than Words

More Than Words (MTW) is an organization created by Mathew McCall that empowers system involved youth to take charge of their lives through employment and leadership programing. More Than Words began as an online bookselling training program for youth in DCF custody in 2004. In 2005 More Than Words opened a book store in Waltham, Massachusetts. Youth run the 501(c)(3) nonprofit bookstores in both the South End of Boston Massachusetts and in Waltham Massachusetts.

Massachusetts Department of Youth Services, Comprehensive Education Partnership

This initiative was created by the Massachusetts Department of Youth Services (DYS) Comprehensive Education Partnership Initiative. It briefly highlights the primary component which furthers the ultimate goal of the partnership:  to create a continuum of options and opportunities that will give DYS clients the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to build a better future. 

Comprehensive Education Partnership Initiative, MA Department of Youth Services

This document, created by the Massachusetts Department of Youth Services (DYS) Comprehensive Education Partnership Initiative, briefly highlights the primary component which further the ultimate goal of the partnership which is to create a continuum of options and opportunities that will give DYS clients the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to build a better future.

Collaboration Between Juvenile Justice and Education Agencies to Support Incarcerated Youth, Education and Career Counselors

The Massachusetts Department of Youth Services (DYS) designs, manages, and implements educational and workforce development services for incarcerated youth while the youth are in facilities and post release. To do this, DYS contracts with nonprofit organizations. Through a relationship with the Collaborative for Educational Services, DYS employs 11 Education and Career Counselors (ECCs). Every post-adjudicated DYS student is assigned an ECC to facilitate a successful transition into the appropriate educational and vocational setting within the community.

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