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Promising Resources, Policies, and Practices

Goal 5: Quality Education in Facilities

Goal 9: Smooth Transitions

Juvenile Re-Entry Action Plan (JRAP)

JRAP is a program funded by the Arkansas Department of Education that is operated by a juvenile detention facility in Hot Springs, Arkansas. The purpose of this program is to work with students in detention facilities who are deemed at risk of becoming repeat offenders. The program provides intensive case supervision with a gradual step down process and seeks to address the causes of behavioral problems, including drug or alcohol abuse and peer pressure.

Juvenile Education Initiative (JEdI)

The Juvenile Education Initiative (JEdI) is a web-based educational program focusing on math and reading skills. All fifteen Arkansas juvenile detention facilities participate and it is funded through the State’s Department of Special Education. The purpose of this program is to improve educational services for all youth in juvenile detention facilities, but has an emphasis on youth with disabilities. Students have access to the web based program after discharge allowing for a smoother transition.

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