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Leveraging the Every Student Succeeds Act to Improve Educational Services in Juvenile Justice Facilities | What We Can Learn from Indiana’s Responsible Data Sharing

Within this brief on the Every Student Succeeds Act there is a description of practices implemented by the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE). By assigning each student a nine-digit identifying number, whether in juvenile justice schools or in other schools around the state, the IDOE has effectively ensured that all student’s and their records are included in the state’s educational data.

Reentry MythBuster About Education Technology in Juvenile Facilities: Many Juvenile Correctional Facilities Have Successfully Integrated Technology to Broaden Educational Programming

A Reentry Myth Buster, authored by the Federal Interagency Reentry Council, is a fact sheet intending to clearly explain federal policies that affect justice-involved individuals and their families. This document dispels the myth that juvenile justice facilities must compromise security and safety to expand youth access to technology.

FosterEd – Indiana, National Center for Youth Law

FosterEd, an initiative of the National Center for Youth Law, has been working to close the achievement gap for students in foster care since 2005. It has project sites in Arizona, California, Indiana, and New Mexico. Independent evaluations of FosterEd’s work in Arizona and California indicate that FosterEd has helped students in foster care reach educational goals, such as improved attendance and higher grade point averages. In 2014, FosterEd began expanding the initiative to also serve youth in the juvenile justice system.

Temporary Leave Policy

It is the policy of the Indiana Department of Correction’s Division of Youth Services to encourage temporary leave from their facilities as students begin transitioning back to the community. All students committed to the Division of Youth Services are administered an academic achievement assessment within fourteen days of admission.

Aftercare for Indiana through Mentoring (AIM)

Aftercare for Indiana through Mentoring (AIM) is a non-profit run through Indiana University. Volunteers serve as mentors for incarcerated youth. During the program the youth build connections with their communities to prepare them for their release. Mentors connect youth to services in the community and aid the youth in making post-release plans. The mentor-mentee relationship exists through three phases: the facility, the community, and follow-ups. The mentors are trained and are required to attend additional trainings quarterly.

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