Goal 3: Educated in Community
After being charged or adjudicated delinquent, youth remain in the same school whenever feasible or enroll in a new school in their home community.

3.1 - Youth remain in the same school unless an out-of-home placement is necessary for the rehabilitation and/or safety of the youth, or the youth’s decision-maker, in consultation with the youth, recommends a change in school placement, and the judge, placing agency and youth/family determine the student should be placed in a different school district or school placement.
3.2 - Youth remain at home and in their local public schools for truancy or other status offenses, with needed interventions and supports, rather than being placed in juvenile justice placements and on-grounds schools or being transferred to alternative disciplinary schools.
3.3 – Youth of color are not subject to and negatively impacted by racial bias because individuals involved in youth’s placement are vigilant about collecting data and identifying and correcting bias that leads to disproportionate out-of-home placement of students of color.
3.4 - Youth with disabilities are placed in the least restrictive, most inclusive school environment that can meet their individual needs.
3.5 – When out of home placement is necessary and used as a last resort, youth are placed close to home, taking into account distance and the ability of the youth to continue at the current school.
3.6 - Youth in placement are afforded the opportunity to continue to attend their home school or attend the local public school close to the placement (as opposed to an on-grounds program).
3.7 - Youth are not referred to alternative disciplinary schools or otherwise pushed out of school on the basis of prior juvenile justice involvement.
3.8 - Youth are not held in detention awaiting appropriate community education programs.