Goal 2: Adult Support
Youth have adult support in their education before, during and after involvement in the juvenile justice system.

2.1 - Youth are supported by parents who are engaged and have received information and training about educational rights, special education law, and advocacy sufficient to maintain their engagement.
2.2 - When a youth’s parent is available but requires supports to fully engage in education advocacy, the juvenile justice system and other stakeholders collaborate to provide access and support to the parent in order to build capacity and best serve the youth.
2.3 – When, even with supports, the parent is not available to participate in the youth’s education, another legally-authorized education decision-maker is identified for the youth, with the youth’s preference solicited and prioritized. All youth without an available parent, not just those with identified disabilities, are appointed an education decision-maker. If a family member is not available or appropriate, youth have access to a pool of qualified, independent, and well-trained individuals who speak the youth’s native language who can serve in this role and be timely appointed, and in compliance with the IDEA if applicable.
2.4 - Staff are sensitive to and supportive of the cultural and ethnic background of youth and their family.
2.5 - All youth, including youth with disabilities, youth of color, LBGT and gender expansive youth, and youth who are English language learners or limited English proficient, have mentors who are culturally competent to empower and support them and understand their strengths and unique barriers to educational success.
2.6 - Youth's parents who are limited-English proficient receive information about their children’s education in their native language, including all information needed to advocate on behalf of their children.
2.7 - Youth are supported by trained professionals, including school staff, behavioral health staff, judges, defense counsel, case managers, Juvenile Probation Officers, child welfare workers, and facility staff, to gain access to high-quality education and career/technical programs. Youth receive assistance from interagency liaisons and/or transition specialists who get to know the youth and forge an ongoing relationship.
2.8 - Youth attend schools, including placement schools, that engage parents and families, and rely on parents/guardians as education decision-makers, including ensuring that parents or other legally authorized decision-makers make decisions with regard to a youth’s special education needs.
2.9 - Youth have access to legal representatives trained to identify and respond to education issues in juvenile justice cases, school disciplinary hearings, and special education matters.
2.10 - Youth appear before judges who consider their desires and educational needs in crafting dispositions and ordering placements, address education issues in depth at all review hearings, and consider the quality and consequences of education available in the juvenile justice placement in all decisions while maintaining the youth at home and in community schools wherever possible.