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Goal 1: Youth Voice

Youth are informed and entrusted to make decisions about their own education and future.


1.1 - Youth receive full information about educational opportunities available to them, and are regularly asked about their educational preferences and needs. Youth preferences, strengths, and needs are central to curricular and placement determinations.

1.2 - Youth receive training about their educational rights including due process and special education rights, and self-advocacy.

1.3 - Youth participate in school and juvenile justice system meetings about their education and future.

1.4 - Youth are given an opportunity to participate in court proceedings; courts and attorneys are trained on involving youth in court and in asking questions about educational interests, goals, and progress.

1.5 - Youth are supported by school and juvenile justice professionals with appropriate knowledge and training who engage youth in education planning.

1.6 - Youth opinions and wishes are prioritized in determining their educational decision maker, placement, educational goals and program, and post-secondary decisions, including living and school placement upon release.

1.7 - Youth with disabilities actively participate in special education meetings, the development of their Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) including transition planning, and receive the support they need to be self-advocates.

1.8 - Youth who are English language learners and/or limited English proficient receive the supports they need to be effective self-advocates for their educational needs.