Goal 10: Protect Especially Vulnerable Youth

All marginalized youth – and particularly youth of color, youth with disabilities, girls, LGBT/gender expansive youth, English Language Learners, youth who are involved with both child welfare and juvenile justice systems, and those with intersectional identities – are educated in their home schools rather than being disproportionately assigned to juvenile justice placements, and receive the services, support and protections they need to address their unique barriers to educational success.
2.5 - All youth, including youth with disabilities, youth of color, LGBT and gender expansive youth, and youth who are English language learners or limited English proficient, have mentors who are culturally competent to empower and support them and understand their strengths and unique barriers to educational success.
6.1 - Youth attend schools free from discrimination based on race, sex, sexual orientation, gender presentation, national origin, language, disability or other characteristics and are educated in facilities that engage in data analysis and independent review to survey youth and assess programs to identify concerns and bias.
6.2 - Youth are taught by staff who are trained in race positive, culturally competent, gender responsive, trauma-informed, strengths based and developmentally appropriate responses to behavior.
Youth of color
10.1 – Youth of color are offered programs and instruction free from racial or ethnic bias and individuals involved in youth's placement are vigilant about identifying and correcting bias that leads to disproportionate out of home placement of students of color.
Youth with disabilities
5.2 – Youth are assessed for special education needs early on, referred for an initial evaluation where necessary, provided with an immediate temporary IEP where necessary, and benefit from the development and implementation of a comprehensive IEP.
5.6 - Youth with disabilities receive a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment, including needed special education and related services, transition planning and other supports through meaningful IEPs that are timely updated; developed with parent/family and youth input, and reflect the full range of services, accommodations and modifications necessary for academic progress.
6.4 - Youth with disabilities are educated in a welcoming environment and are not segregated or excluded based on their disability or behavior that is a manifestation of their disability. Youth with disabilities receive appropriate interventions to address any behavior that interferes with their access to education, whether a manifestation of their disability or not.
7.7 - Youth with disabilities in juvenile justice placements are fully integrated and allowed full access to career pathways and career/technical education programs, with appropriate accommodations.
9.16 - For students with IEPs, students’ progress and continued need for intensive academic remediation post-release is documented and the school district provides these services post-release.
English language learners
1.8 - Youth who are English language learners and/or limited English proficient are educated in a welcoming environment and receive the supports they need to be effective self-advocates for their educational needs.
4.6 - Youth who are English language learners and/or limited English proficient receive effective ESOL instruction and the modifications to curriculum and instruction to which they are legally entitled, and they and their families receive legally mandated interpretation and translation services.
7.9 - Youth who are English Language Learners or limited English proficient receive appropriate interpretation and translation services, ESOL instruction and modifications in career/technical education programs and equal access to employment opportunities to which they are entitled under federal and state law.
LGBT/gender expansive youth
4.4 - Youth are permitted to participate in activities, programs and facilities consistent with their gender identity.
6.8 - Youth are not segregated or discriminated against in a school setting based on their sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.
10.2 - Youth identifying as LGBT/gender expansive, at particular risk for attempting suicide or engaging in self harm, are not punished with segregation or isolation that is harmful to their mental health and excludes them from educational opportunities.
7.3 - Youth have equal access to career/technical education programs regardless of gender.
Youth also involved in the child welfare system
For goals and benchmarks specific to meeting the needs of children in foster care, please see Blueprint for Change: Education Success for Children in Foster Care.