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Promising Resources, Policies, and Practices

General Resources




Goal 5: Quality Education in Facilities




Goal 6: Supportive School Environments




Goal 9: Smooth Transitions




Goal 10: Protect Especially Vulnerable Youth




Reaching out to parents of youth with disabilities in the juvenile justice system, EDJJ

The National Center on Education, Disability and Juvenile Justice (EDJJ) created this web article to reach out to parent of youth with disabilities in the juvenile justice system. This short article entitled “Parent Support,” is a resource page for parents to promote family involvement with at-risk and adjudicated youth. It discusses the role of parent involvement and barriers, as well as acknowledges what parents what and the resources that can be utilized for parent training and education.

Webinar: Successfully Transitioning Youth from Secure Care Back to School, NDTAC

This hour-long program organized by NDTAC discusses the process of how to successfully transition youth from secure facilities back to school in the community. Guest presenters discuss the importance of early and proactive individualized planning, and the availability of academic and behavioral supports during incarceration. Aftercare procedures are also necessary to help youth be successful following their exit from formal custody.

Transition Age Youth with Mental Health Challenges in the Juvenile Justice System, Juvenile Justice Resource Series

This publication, created by the Technical Assistance Partnership for Child and Family Mental Health (TA Partnership), to “support the planning and implementation of effective services, policies, and practices that improve outcomes for young adults of transition age who are involved in or at risk of involvement with the juvenile justice system as well as their families.” The report specifically focuses on youth with mental health disorders and co-occurring substance use disorders. Policy and practice recommendations are included and discussed.

National Alliance for Secondary Education and Transition

The National Alliance for Secondary Education and Transition (NASET) is a voluntary coalition of organization and advocacy groups representing education, youth development, parents, multicultural perspectives, and career and technical education. The NASET website provides links to documents and modules providing toolkits about schooling, youth development and leadership, family involvement, career preparatory experiences, and connecting activities.

Facility-wide PBIS

This publication stems from a roundtable discussion about facility-wide Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS). Services can be delivered as universal interventions, targeted interventions, and intensive interventions. Benefits and challenges of implementing PBIS in secure juvenile justice facilities are discussed. Considerations for implementations and guiding principles are listed. Additional resources and references are also provided.

Resource Compendium Discussing Effective Strategies and Practices to Improve the Mentoring Experience for At-Risk Youth

Mentoring has emerged as a low-cost delinquency prevention and intervention option that lowers delinquency for at-risk or high-risk youth. This resource journal discusses the methods and findings of a research study and “provides a deeper understanding of how youth are referred to mentoring, challenges faced during the referral process, examples of effective strategies to face the challenges and action steps.”

Special Edition Journal Containing Several Publications About Using Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports as Preventative Measures for High-Risk Youth, Education and Treatment of Children

Education and Treatment of Children (ETC) produced and distributed this collection of manuscripts dedicated to exploring the use of positive behavioral intervention and supports (PBIS) as preventative measures for high-risk youth in alternative education, residential, and juvenile justice settings. ETC is devoted to disseminating information about the development of services for youth and use this special issue to “provide empirical and practical information on the PBIS framework to educators and a wide-range of service providers” who work with high-risk youth. 

School Climate Improvement Resource Package, National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments

The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments (NCSSLE) aims to address factors that may affect the conditions for learning in schools and in the community, including bullying, harassment, violence, and substance abuse. NCSSLE is funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Safe and Health Students to provide training and support to state administrators, and to improve schools’ conditions for learning. The Safe Supportive Learning website serves as a resource center for the organization and includes information about trainings, products, and research.

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